stack space

英 [stæk speɪs] 美 [stæk speɪs]

网络  堆栈空间; 堆栈区; 栈内存; 栈空间; 堆叠空间



  1. Now, since this is a function parameter, we could have saved an extra doubleword of stack space and stored it in the caller's parameter area.
  2. In addition to stack space, each thread requires some native memory for thread-local storage and internal data structures.
  3. Therefore, it makes most sense to save it before reserving the stack space.
  4. When a program is invoked that creates some number of threads, each thread is provided its own stack ( local variables and state) but shares the data space of the parent.
  5. It is important to set this limit so the stack and shared memory address space do not collide with each other.
  6. However, one concern people have with the use of recursive functions is the growth of stack space.
  7. In Win32, the thread stack is allocated automatically in the memory space of the process.
  8. Bash responds with the directory you pushed and a list of all the directories currently in the stack separated by a space.
  9. Finally, the stack pointer is moved to reserve all the needed stack space using the instruction ai$ sp,$ sp,-FRAME_SIZE.
  10. The stack limit is irrelevant because DB2 creates its own stack space ( AGENT_STACK_SZ dbm cfg)
  11. Each stack frame holds a pointer to the previous stack frame ( called the back chain pointer), as well as a space for return addresses for when it calls other functions.
  12. This space is also used for overflow: if there are more parameters than registers available for use, then they need to go in the stack space.
  13. By default, every thread has one megabyte of stack space.
  14. You have to allocate space for each stack and move the appropriate values to that space.
  15. These options help in cases when stack space is rare, as is the case in the Linux kernel, or where application programs fail because of a stack overflow.
  16. Pictured is "Space-Filling Blocks," which requires visitors to rely on spatial reasoning, or" mental geometry," to stack a series of red blocks so there's no wasted space.
  17. The thread context includes the thread's set of machine registers, the kernel stack, a thread environment block, and a user stack in the address space of the thread's process.
  18. Internal Query Processor Error: The query processor ran out of stack space during query optimization.
  19. Not enough stack space to perform command.
  20. Method of calculating stack space of μ C/ OS-ⅱ task based on tree structure and its application
  21. These key problems are the choice of module format, the organization way of module, module communication mechanism, stack space management, namespace management and symbol resolve and indirection.
  22. In the new algorithm, storage model of queue structure is adopted to output stack sequence instead of traditional model of stack structure, which could efficiently improve the complicacy of time and space.
  23. In this chronostratigraphic framework, the growth order, stack mode and space shape of bed sets are a qualitative and quantitative token.
  24. Stack Space Expansion of AUTO-CAD System
  25. By reducing the TCP/ IP stack, we adopt full assembly programming method, flexible message control mechanism and buffer management, and realize a TCP/ IP stack in limited program space.
  26. This paper proposes a new method to transforms the error that runtime stack overlaps with the static data sections to the one that runtime stack exceeds the memory space by modifying the layout of runtime stack and static data sections.
  27. In this paper, infrastructures and protocol stack of deep space network are firstly introduced with the applicability of traditional protocols analyzed subsequently.
  28. In the future, we will design a simplified protocol stack working in user space to improve the function of packet processing.
  29. Secondly, has simplified huge, complicated TCP/ IP protocol stack; make it become a non-need too heavy procedures store space, suitable for embedded WEB server protocols.
  30. QP-nano is designed to work with just a "bare metal" target board, but can also be combined with the very lightweight Quantum Kernel Nano ( QK-nano) to provide preemptive multitasking capabilities ( requires more stack space).